
Salty Sam’s Fun Blog for Children

Post Number 60

Fridge Magnets



Hello Everyone




My nephews Bill and Bob love working with modelling clay.


ln their art class just before Easter, Miss Pringle their teacher at the Rocky Bay Primary School taught them how to make ever-lasting modelling clay figures.


She decided that a really useful thing to make would be a fridge magnet.


The children all chose an animal to make.


They chose a colour of modelling clay that was right for their animal and got to work.


The animals couldn’t be too big and they had to be flat at the back.


When they had finished, they put a blob of glue onto a little round magnet and pressed it into the back of their artwork.


Then they left their animals in the fridge while they went off to lunch.


After lunch the modelling clay had become quite hard. The children carefully varnished the tops of the animals. Miss Pringle had to make sure that the children didn’t use too much varnish and make a mess.


She also opened a window to make sure the classroom didn’t become too smelly.


Then they put the animals at the side of the classroom to let them dry.


They cleared up all the newspaper that they had been working on and put it in the recycling bin.


The next day the fridge magnets were ready to be taken home.


Bill made an orange goldfish and Bob made a blue dolphin.


A lot of children put the pictures they have made up on their fridge using fridge magnets, but Bill and Bob have made their own fridge magnets to put their drawings up as well!



Bye bye everyone – don’t forget to subscribe to my blog!


Love and kisses



Salty Sam



seagull jumper

*Please note that there are different types of modelling clay and so there are different ways of getting it to set. You need a good quality product to get a good result.



Bill and Bob’s Joke of the Weekjokejoke


Bob: Why are dolphins cleverer than people?


Bill: l don’t know. Why are dolphins cleverer than people?


Bob: Because in no time at all they can train a man to stand at the side of their pool and feed them fish!




Salty Sam © Christina Sinclair 2015

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of material from this blog without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

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Picture Gallery


Koi carp


image009 Koi carp


image010 Koi carp ponds are often a feature in Japanese gardens


image011 Watching fish is very restful


image012 A bottlenose dolphin playing with a ball




     desk  THE SALTY SAM NEWS DESKlamp



When the children in our family go to visit Auntie Alice, they love to have her home-made ice cream. It isn’t just for hot weather!


Auntie Alice



She has invented a new recipe and she thought that you would like to have it.

So here it is:-




2 lemons

½ cup sugar

300ml extra thick double cream


Put the 2 lemons in the microwave for a minute

Cut them in half (diagonally, not across, which makes it easier to get the juice out) and squeeze the juice out (if you only have little hands and they are not very strong you may need help with this)

Put the warm juice and any pulp that is in the juicer (but not the pips) into a bowl and stir in the sugar letting it dissolve

Leave this mixture to cool and then stir it into the cream gently with a fork


Put the bowl in the freezer.


Half an hour later, take the bowl out and pour the mixture into a shallow box. You can use something like a plastic storage box or a plastic box that had mushrooms in it. Then put the ice cream back into the freezer.

If you start making the ice cream after lunch, it will be ready at tea time.

Take the ice cream out of the freezer and leave to soften slightly for five to ten minutes depending on how warm your kitchen is. This gives you time to eat your sandwiches first.

Get a grown-up to cut the ice cream into big cubes and put the cubes into bowls.




This ice cream is very zingy; if it is too sharp for you, use some runny honey as an ice cream topping.




If you don’t like lemon, you could make coffee ice cream instead:


Add half a cup of sugar to one eighth of a cup of Camp coffee (liquid coffee) and make the ice cream in the same way. If you use icing sugar it will dissolve more easily. Otherwise mix in a little cream to dissolve the sugar before you gently mix in the rest of the cream.




If you don’t like the strong flavour of coffee, then try rocky choccy ice cream.


Cut up 4 Flake chocolate bars and add them to the cream with a teaspoon of vanilla essence and one eighth of a cup of sugar.








Just don’t make a piglet of yourself! smile1 (2)











Quick Quiz


 Can you un- jumble these names of things you could find in the fridge?


  1. ceram
  2. ogyuhrt
  3. ehcees
  4. rufti
  5. ilmk
  6. uttber 









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lt’s the Weekend! 



Using 3½mm knitting needles and red dk yarn cast on 20 stitches

K3 (p2 k2) repeat last 4sts until 3sts remain p3

P3 (k2 p2) repeat last 4sts until 3sts remain k3

Repeat last 2 rows once


Change to 4mm knitting needles

P4 rows

Stocking stitch 6 rows starting with a knit row


Decrease each end of the next 6 rows

Cast off loosely



Decorate as the arctic hat in blog post 47

Sew up side seams

Over-sew three stitches at the top of the mittens about 2cm in from one edge to make the thumb and mirror the process on the other mitten.






Please note that the material on this blog is for personal use and for use in classrooms only.

It is a copyright infringement and, therefore, illegal under international law to sell items made with these patterns.

Use of the toys and projects is at your own risk.

©Christina Sinclair Designs 2015sand



Quick Quiz Answers


  1. ceram – cream
  2. ogyuhrt – yoghurt
  3. ehcees – cheese
  4. rufti – fruit
  5. ilmk – milk
  6. uttber – butter


image032 scroll

  • Lee says:

    Love the written content of your blog, thank you for this wonderful resource!

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