Salty Sam’s Fun Blog for Children
Number 407
Hello Everyone
Winter snows have fallen in some parts of the country already.
Have they reached you yet?
Some parts of the world have snow all the time of course, and the modern way to travel across ice and snow is by snowmobile. They have ski-like runners that whisk you across frozen ground.
At one time, the only way to travel long distances over vast tracts of snow was by husky sledge.
Even today, they can provide transport when motor vehicles find it difficult to operate in extremely low temperatures.
Without husky sledges, people would never have been able to explore the arctic areas of northern Canada.
Huskies can work at temperatures of minus forty degrees Celsius and pull heavily-laden sledges at over 10 kph. Amazingly they can cover over 50km in a day!
Sledges are usually pulled by a team of twelve dogs each one separately harnessed to the sledge. They spread out in a fan shape when they run along and there is a leader of the pack which is nearly always a female and she runs slightly ahead of the others.
The dogs use their own judgement to find the best routes over the ice and can find their way home even when the sledge driver thinks he/she might be lost.
The dogs are superbly adapted to their environment with their thick insulating coats. They can curl up on the ice to sleep and get covered in snow in the night and still be ready to start running again when morning breaks.
When they curl up, you will notice that they put their tails in front of their noses. As they breathe through the fur on their tails warmed by their body heat, the freezing air is warmed before it hits their lungs.
They are very strong dogs and eat lots of food. lt is easier for them to work for their owner and get fed than go hunting for their own food.
ln the past, dogs would be let loose in the summer and return home looking for food once the first winter snows came. Nowadays, the dogs are looked after all year round to make sure they are well-cared-for.
But you don’t need to live in the northern climes of Canada to own a pack of huskies. Husky racing is very popular in other places as well.
Without snow, the dogs will pull carts that are set on wheels. ln this way, racing can take place in all weathers.
The dog sled racers are called mushers.
They call ‘haw’ when they want their dogs to go to the left and ‘gee’ when they want their dogs to go to the right.
The dogs can run up to 25 miles and hour.
Have you ever seen this kind of racing?
Maybe you are even fortunate enough to own one of these beautiful dogs.
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Thank you!
And see you again next Fun Friday!
Love and kisses
Salty Sam
Bill and Bob’s Joke of the Week
Bill: Did you hear about the husky that went to a flea circus?
Bob: No, what happened?
Bill: He stole the show!
Salty Sam © Christina Sinclair 2015
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Picture Gallery
Huskies have blue eyes
Huskie sledge
This week, Miss Pringle concluded her lessons on basic knowledge of parts of speech.
She taught the class that:
The definite article was the word ‘the’
The indefinite article was the word ‘a’ or ‘an’
You use the word ‘a’ or ‘an’ according to the sound of the beginning of the word that follows. This usually relates to spelling; but not always.
We say…
A chair
An apple
Look at these spellings!
A university
An hour
You can see how it is the sound of the word that follows the indefinite article that is important and not the spelling.
Then she taught her class what a preposition was.
It describes a position that something is in; like: on, under, opposite
Or it describes a direction that something or someone is travelling in; like: over, through, towards
The class drew some pictures of objects in a room and labelled wrote some sentences with prepositions in them under their pictures.
Lastly, she taught them that a conjunction is a word that joins to ideas together.
The word ‘and’ adds another idea
The word ‘but’ introduces an opposite idea
Conjunctions can also be used to start sentences…
Although it was raining, John went out without a coat.
Because it was raining, Simon took an umbrella with him.
However, you should not start comprehension answers with the word ‘because’.
The class wrote some sentences using conjunctions.
Roger asked if he could make up funny sentences and Miss Pringle said that again it would be alright as long as they were grammatically correct.
Then Miss Pringle went home, put her feet up and had a cup of tea.
Quick Quiz
Do you know what kinds of animals these are?
- Angora
- Burmese
- Lipizzaner
- Alsatian
- Longhorn
- Palomino
- Ragdoll
- Dalmatian
- Jersey
- Southdown
lt’s the Weekend!
This pouch is very sumptuous. You can use it for packing jewellery in when you go away on holiday or to tuck something precious away in a drawer.
Use a dark-coloured sparkly yarn for a luxurious look but if you are a beginner do not choose black because it is more difficult to work with than other colours.
Using 4mm knitting needles and purple dk yarn cast on 15 stitches
Knit 20 rows of stocking stitch
Cast off
Using 4mm knitting needles and purple dk yarn cast on 15 stitches
Knit 2 rows of garter stitch
Slip 1 (knit 1, purl 1) repeat the last 2 stitches until you reach the end of the row
Repeat this row 17 times
Knit 10 rows of stocking stitch
Knit 8 rows of garter stitch
Cast off
- Using over-sew stitching and with right sides together, sew seams together as follows:-
- Sew the bottom of the sides to the base
- Sew up the corners of the pouch
- Crochet 70 chains into a length of yarn and thread this cord through the bottom channel of the garter stitching at the top of the pouch
Please note that the material on this blog is for personal use and for use in classrooms only.
It is a copyright infringement and, therefore, illegal under international law to sell items made with these patterns.
Use of the toys and projects is at your own risk.
©Christina Sinclair Designs 2015
Quick Quiz Answers
- Angora – rabbit
- Burmese – cat
- Lipizzaner – horse
- Alsatian – dog
- Guernsey – cow
- Palomino – horse
- Ragdoll – cat
- Dalmatian – dog
- Jersey – cow
- Southdown – sheep
Lipizzaner horse
My buddy told me about this website – so glad I stopped by.
l am glad you did too Stephen. l hope l see you again soon. 🙂