
Salty Sam’s Fun Blog for Children

Post Number 36

First Aid


Hello Everyone



One of the favourite things that my nephews Bill and Bob like to do is to go to Beaver Scouts.


They go to the Rocky Bay Scout Hut and do lots of interesting and worthwhile things like: learn how to put up a tent, read a map and tie different kinds of knots.


Mr Crackenthorpe their Beaver Scout Leader teaches them lots of interesting things.


They also do something else that is really useful and that is to learn first aid.


This week they were learning how to treat burns and scalds.


And this is what they learnt…


A burn is when you touch something that is very hot and dry. A scald is when you touch something hot and wet like water or steam.


When someone has an accident like this, the first thing you must do is cool the skin with cold water and you must act as quickly as you can.


You must not panic but try to do the best you can in a very calm way.


lf the burn or scald is very painful, then keep the injury under a running cold water tap for at least ten minutes; maybe even up to thirty minutes.


lf you can’t get the injury under a tap then get the injured person into a bath and run cold water into it. Don’t worry about taking their clothes off.


lf they have burnt their foot for example, you could put a stool by the side of the bath for them to sit on while they hold their foot under the tap.


Or otherwise you can use a hosepipe if you are outside (unless it is very cold).


You can remove shoes and watches and jewellery before any swelling occurs as long as they are not on the actual burn.


Cooling the burn does three things.


  1. lt helps to stop the heat damaging the skin any more.
  2. lt helps to make the pain less.
  3. lt helps to reduce swelling of the injured part.


Don’t use ice or butter or oil on the burn and don’t open the tap too much. The water flow should be gentle.


lf a blister comes up, don’t touch it.


The next thing to do is call a grown-up and they will decide whether to call a doctor or ambulance or take the person to hospital.


lf the person feels very cold or they are shaking, then wrap a blanket around them.


lf the person needs to go to hospital, you can put cling film on the burn or leave the person in the bath until the ambulance arrives.


A clean plastic bag can be used over hands.


lf you can’t get any other help and the burn is really bad and you don’t know what to do, then telephone 999 and ask for an ambulance to come.  (Or whatever the number is in your country.)


You must remember to give the lady or man on the telephone your address so that the ambulance knows where you are.


lf a grown up is dealing with an emergency like this, you can still help by fetching things and telephoning for help while they are busy.


Or you could stay with someone who is upset and reassure them that more help is on its way.


Scouts and Guides and Brownies should always help people whenever they can.


*Please note that you should never touch medicines, always leave an adult to deal with them.



Bye bye everyone – don’t forget to subscribe to my blog!


Love and kisses



Salty Sam





Bill and Bob’s Joke of the Weekjokejoke


Bob: Why are elephants wrinkly?


Bill: l don’t know. Why are elephants wrinkly?


Bob: Because they are too big to get themselves onto an ironing board!


Salty Sam © Christina Sinclair 2015

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of material from this blog without express and written permission from this blog’s author and owner is strictly prohibited.

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 Picture Gallery


A reef knot


How to tie a rope to a cleat – used by sailors 


First aid symbol 


A first aid box 


Nurses uniforms from over a hundred years ago 


A nurse’s uniform from 1918 


Traditionally nurses wore caps 


A wartime nurse’s uniform 


Nurses today often wear tunics and trousers 


Have you noticed that nurses wear their watches upside down?

They have them pinned to their uniform so that when they lift them to look at the time or check someone’s pulse the watch is the right way up









Lots of people from all over the world read this blog and lots of them are learning English. I thought I would give you a few tips to help you out. Here they are – see how many you already know.

Salty Sam’s Improve Your English Tips:


  1. You can only have two alternatives – beyond that it is ‘choices’.
  2. You cannot ‘aggravate’ a person only a situation.
  3. You shouldn’t say ‘less’ people, it should be ‘fewer’ people. It isn’t ‘a lot less people’ but ‘far fewer people’.
  4. You divide things ‘between’ two but ‘among’ three or more – or stand between two things and among three or more things (or people).
  5. When you say aesthetic you pronounce the beginning with an ‘ee’ not an ‘a’.
  6. It is would have not ‘would of’ and contracted it is would’ve.
  7. It is one phenomenon and more than one phenomena.
  8. To hang someone (as in the death penalty) when put into the past tense is hanged not hung.
  9. It is rare to put two negatives together in English.  You should not say, for example ‘I don’t know nothing about it’ or ‘I can’t hardly lift it’. You should say, ‘I don’t know anything about it’ and ‘I can hardly lift it’.
  10. Nothing can be very unique – it is either unique or it isn’t (technically speaking unique is an absolute adjective and, therefore, cannot be modified with an adverb of intensity like ‘very’ or ‘really’) other words in this category are words like dead and pregnant. You can’t be a little bit dead or very dead; you either are dead or alive because there is nothing in between.


Did you know all of these? image027





Autumn comes to Rocky Bay

Don’t forget that British Summer Time ends tomorrow night and you will need to put your clocks back



Bill and Bob’s mum have asked Auntie Alice if it will be alright for Bill and Bob to go round to her house for Halloween. 

They are going to go ‘Trick or Treating’ with their favourite uncle (that’s me smile1 (2)) and I am going to make sure that they don’t get to any mischief (as if they would!) on the way.

Auntie Alice has bought some lollipops and is going to make them into little ghosts.  She has drawn faces into the centre of some pieces of kitchen paper using black, felt-tip pen and is going to fasten the covers on to the lollipops using little elastic bands.  The lollipop will be the head and the rest of the ghost’s ‘floating body’ will be draped around the stick.

She will make lots of chocolate apples on sticks as well in case we collect a band of other children on the way.  We already know that Henry will be joining us and probably Roger as well who is another boy in Bill and Bob’s class.

For more inspiration for Halloween, check out my Pinterest board at:









Quick Quiz 

  1. lf a motorcyclist has been involved in an accident should you remove his/her helmet?
  2. How do you tackle a nosebleed?
  3. What do you do if you see someone having an epileptic fit (falling on the floor, jerking about and maybe dribbling with their eyes not looking at you)?
  4. What is it important to do when you have been sick or if you have diarrhoea?
  5. What should you do if you see that a small child has swallowed medicine, pills, tablets, household cleaner or something else you should NOT eat or drink?
  6. lf you see someone having an asthma attack (they are gasping for breath and wheezing) what should you do?
  7. lf someone has wounded themselves and they are bleeding a lot, what should you do?






Salty Sam fans can join in with their comments and share them with children all over the world. You will need permission if you are not an adult.

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lt’s the Weekend! 



Take a piece of felt about 21cm by 11cm and fold it into three.

Put a pin into the place where you would like the snap fasteners to be positioned at the corners of the flap. Pull the fabric apart slightly and mark the inside of the flap with a soft pencil. Sew on the snap fasteners making sure as you work that the flap is lying down flat.

Cut out three flower shapes in felt about 3cm across (practise them on paper first to make a pattern before you start cutting your felt) and sew a small button into the centre of each. Then sew onto the flap of the kit to hide the sewing behind the snap fasteners.

Using blanket stitch and embroidery thread in a contrasting colour sew, around the outside of the kit sealing the side and bottom seams.

Items you can put in your kit are:-

Sticking plasters

Safety pins

A tiny pack of needles

Some lengths of thread wound around some card

Tiny tube of antiseptic cream

This would make a lovely birthday present for an aunt or cousin or maybe a Mother’s Day present when the time comes.


If you ever make items from felt that you will want to wash, make sure that you use the washable type.

*If you put sharp objects in your kit like tweezers or scissors, put them in a cover or wrap them up first.



If you ever cut your finger on paper and you don’t have any plasters with you at the time, using a little piece of sticky tape on the cut can stop it from stinging. You can often find sticky tape in a class room or office when there aren’t any sticking plasters.

When you get home and you can put something better on your cut, you can soak the sticky tape off in water rather than pulling it off.

Then wash the cut with soap and water.






Please note that the material on this blog is for personal use or for use in classrooms only.

It is a copyright infringement and, therefore, illegal under international law to sell items made with these patterns.

Use of the toys and projects on all of these blogs is at your own risk.

A medical disclaimer for this blog: I am not a qualified medical doctor.

©Christina Sinclair Designs 2015sand



Quick Quiz Answers


  1. NO
  2. Sit down, lean forward and pinch the top of the soft part of the nose for ten minutes holding a paper hanky at the bottom of the nose to prevent clothes getting stained. lf the bleeding lasts more than 30 minutes, seek medical help. Try not to blow your nose soon after a nose bleed.
  3. Protect the jerking head from injury against a hard surface with a blanket or jacket or anything soft. Do not try to hold the person down. Talk to them gently so that they know they are not alone. When they have stopped fitting put them on their side and tilt their head back gently. Wait for them to wake up. lf you are very worried about their condition, call for an ambulance.
  4. lt is important to drink cool water in lots of little sips. lf possible, it would be better if this water has been boiled.
  5. Find out what they have swallowed, how much and when and call for an ambulance – remember to give your address.
  6. Try to find their inhaler – it is a small tube about 10cm/4 inches long with a bent end. They will probably keep it in their pocket or bag. Shake it up a few times and take the cap off the bottom end before you give it to them. They need to be sitting upright to take their medicine. lf they don’t have their medication with them, call for an ambulance. lf the attack is really bad, call for an ambulance.
  7. Get something clean and soft to make a pad, something like a towel or tea towel, and put it on the wound and hold it on there quite tightly – you don’t want too much blood to escape. Call for an ambulance and keep the pressure on the wound all the time you are waiting for the ambulance to come. You might need to call out to get someone else to call the ambulance. Get the person who is bleeding to keep still; they should not walk about at all.


Please remember the first thing you always do in an emergency is this:




You need to think clearly and decide what to do.


lf you are dealing with a situation and other people are getting hysterical, send them away. You can use them to call for help or fetch you something. lf someone is injured, they need to feel that the people around them are capable and going to help them. This can help to calm them down when they are hurt and upset.

lt is really important to reassure people who are injured that things are being done to help them. Tell them that an ambulance is on its way.

lf they seem angry and are shouting, don’t worry – they are probably not angry with you but behaving like this because they are in pain or maybe even scared.

Always call for an adult to help you and if there isn’t one around call 999 for help (or what ever the number for the emergency services/first responders is in your country) this number is for an ambulance, fire brigade, police, coastguard, cave and mountain rescue.

(Coastguard Blog 26)

lf you are interested in learning more about first aid, there are courses that you can go on when you are older and one day the knowledge you learn there could save someone’s life. 

lt really is very sad that so many people die needlessly when they have an accident because the people who were around them at the time did not know how to help them.


Salty Sam says everyone should learn about first aid.



lf you ever need an ambulance in Britain you can ring 999


In Hong Kong and Ireland it is 999 too

If you are in the USA or Canada or Mexico it is 911

If you are in Japan it is 119

If you are in Australia it is 000

In New Zealand it is 111

In any EU country it is 112



l don’t think this nurse knows what she is doing! smile1 (2)

lf you want to learn more about first aid, then check out these videos:



For an Embroidery Stitches Chart

Check out Blog Post 3


  • Clive says:

    Hello Salty Sam. These are good things to learn.

  • Sally says:

    Hello Salty Sam
    Really useful post – well written

  • David L says:

    This is one of the best sites on the web! So much fun!

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