
Salty Sam’s Fun Blog for Children
Post Number 1


Diary of a Lighthouse Keeper
Launch Date 20th February 2015




Hello Everyone 




Firstly, let me introduce myself.


l’m Salty Sam the lighthouse keeper. There aren’t too many of us left in the world. l am certainly the only one around in these parts.


l live in a tall, red and white striped lighthouse perched on some rocks out here in the middle of the sea.


This is my blog about my life on the rocks! smile1 (2)


lt is very exciting living in my lighthouse because l am always having visitors and you just never know who will turn up next!


One of my adventures was first published in Salty Sam and the Windy Day.


The nearest town to me is Rocky Bay. l can see it on the mainland from my windows. lt is a small fishing town with a harbour where people can moor their boats.  lt is a really magical place to live.


Next to it is Sandy Cove where there is a beautiful, sandy beach. Tourists and holiday makers love it because there are cafes and ice cream parlours and lots of ways to have fun like crazy golf and puppet shows.


l visit the mainland often because l have friends and family there.


My best friend is Captain Jack. He often brings supplies to the lighthouse in his boat.


My Auntie Alice lives in a cottage by the river. She loves knitting. She knits jumpers and hats and gloves and scarves and socks for all the family.


This week she knitted me a new jumper and l have given you the pattern for it at the end of the post.


l have two nephews, Bill and Bob, who live in a little, stone cottage called Primrose Cottage at the back of Rocky Bay and we all love going on adventures together.


This is my fun blog for children – but adults are very welcome too.


l already have visitors to my website from nearly 100 countries so l really hope all my followers out there will enjoy it.


Subscription is totally free!  l do not harvest your personal detail to share with any third parties.  Reading this blog is totally free. 


l appreciate readers spreading the word about the wealth of knowledge and resources on this website. 


Thank you!



l’ll tell you more about my life here in Rocky Bay next time.



Bye bye everyone – don’t forget to subscribe to my blog!


Love and kisses



Salty Sam






Bill and Bob’s Joke of the Weekimage002image002


Bill:  Knock Knock.


Bob:  Who’s there?


Bill:  Sam.


Bob:  Sam who?


Bill:  Sam person who came yesterday!




Salty Sam © Christina Sinclair 2015

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of material from this blog without express and written permission from this blog’s author and owner is strictly prohibited.  All rights reserved.

Links may be used to



Picture Gallery


A picture of me in my new jumper



 My nephews Bill and Bob



My best friend Captain Jack





image029 THE SALTY SAM NEWS DESKimage030



Welcome to this updated website and the launch of my blog!

This blog is for children and big kids everywhere. smile1 (2)

It is for crafting newbies, people who like making toys for their children and parents who want to teach their children all sorts of interesting skills that will last them a lifetime.

It is also for people all over the world who are learning English.

Visitors to this website come from nearly 100 countries and the number seems to go up every month.

Most visitors live in Britain and the United States so measurements on the blog are often in metric and imperial to make everyone happy. smile1 (2)

The projects are for crafters of all abilities. There are toys to make for children and by children.

Hand-made presents nowadays are very popular and hopefully treasured by the people receiving them. There will be lots of ideas here for presents that children can make for friends and relations.

Very importantly, the blog encourages you to become a designer as well, with tips on how to make your own unique projects.


  • Please be careful when printing out patterns that they are the size you want them to be before using them to cut out material. You can use a photocopier to reduce or enlarge them if necessary.


  • All the knitting patterns on this blog need less than 100g of yarn unless otherwise stated.


And I would love to hear from you. smile1 (2)

The best messages will be published.

(All comments will be vetted before they reach the blog to make sure they are suitable for children to read.)



New blog posts are published every Fun Friday morning. 

Tell all your friends that they are welcome to come

and join in the fun too.


Topics on my Blogimage023

Fun          Animals         Learning

Hobbies      Salty Sam News        

The Environment      Crafting        

Knitting      Cooking      The Sea       Nature

Gardening    Science    Games     Test Your English




Salty Sam fans can join in with their comments and share them with children all over the world. But remember that if you are not an adult, you must ask permission to post a comment!

talking smiley

You don’t have to give your real name if you don’t want to, and just your first name will be enough.

It would be really nice if you could say your age (of course adults don’t have to) and what part of the world you come from as well.


I also need to acknowledge and give great thanks to all the wiki, flicker and clip art sources that I have sometimes used to bring the educational aspect of this blog to life, explaining information in a way that would never have been as interesting or as understandable without them.

The topics were chosen in response to children requesting information. image033

If you would like to advertise on this blog, please contact my personal assistant and biographer Christina at the e-mail address below. smile1 (2)





This is me at my desk in the lighthouse writing my new blog.

New posts are released every Fun Friday!


      Blog Post…                                          How to Make         

  1. lntroduction…       my port and starboard jumper and hat
  2. My Lighthouse Home…       my nightshirt, bed socks and nightcap
  3. My Family…       an appliquéd shoe bag
  4. Barney My Parrot…       a parrot toy and a fruit salad
  5. The Lighthouse Mice…       a baby lighthouse mouse and a mouse key fob
  6. My Mermaid Friends…       a stamp book holder and rock cakes
  7. My Seabed Friends…       a seahorse pencil top and a mobile
  8. The History of Lighthouses…       a toy jellyfish, a toy snake and a toy caterpillar
  9. Rockpooling…       starfish decorations
  10. Beachcombing…       a lavender bag and lavender biscuits
  11. Seagulls…       a sky blue knitted pencil case and drop scones
  12. Smugglers…       my ocean design hat
  13. Tides…       my ocean design mittens
  14. Oceans of the World…       my ocean scene jumper
  15. Seaweed…       book covers, covered boxes, mermaid sweaters and accessories
  16. Weathervanes…       a weathervane and my hot-water bottle
  17. Clouds…       a hygrometer, pine cone decorations, cloud pictures, a knitted purse
  18. Building a Wormery…       worm and caterpillar finger puppets, a knitted glasses case
  19. Bees…       my busy bee hat
  20. Home-made lce Cream…       my busy bee mittens
  21. Bird Boxes…       a birds’ department store and a knitted doll
  22. Exploring Rivers…       picnic scones, repeat pattern designs, knitted doll underwear
  23. Pond Life…       Sussex pond pudding and a knitted doll’s stripy dress
  24. Moth Watch…       marbled paper and a knitted doll’s top
  25. lnsect Hotels…       cheese straws and a knitted doll’s skirt
  26. The Rocky Bay Coastguard…       a bobble octopus and a knitted doll’s bag and shoes
  27. The Rocky Bay Lifeboat…       my lighthouse stripe scarf and striped pencil case
  28. Shipping…       a knitted drawstring bag with sailboat design
  29. Bill and Bob’s Car Games…       a game of seaside snap and a knitted doll’s pixie hat
  30. Collecting Eggs…       a chicken egg cosy and a knitted doll’s pixie skirt
  31. Ant Colonies…       flapjacks and a knitted doll’s beach dress
  32. Where Coal Comes From…       knitted blankets
  33. Looking at the Stars and Planets…       a cat toy and a bedside tissue pocket
  34. Hedgehogs…       a knitted hedgehog and a hedgehog cake
  35. Bill and Bob’s Kangaroo Project…       my duffle bag and a knitted money pouch
  36. First Aid…       a travelling repair kit
  37. Aspiring Millionaires…       a money tree and a knitted doll’s pair of trousers
  38. Number Games…       a dominoes/Scrabble tiles bag and a spelling game
  39. The Pirates of Rocky Bay…       seed bombs and a plastic canvas ring box
  40. The History of Pirates…       plastic canvas boxes and coasters
  41. The Himalayas…       a friendship bracelet, a wall garden, my bobble balaclava
  42. A Soil Test Experiment…       plant pot holders and a knitted doll’s striped jumper
  43. lslands…       an archipelago desk set
  44. The Moon…       a lavender ball clown
  45. Astronauts…       flying saucers and a knitted doll’s hat and scarf
  46. Limericks…       my Tam o’Shanta
  47. lcebergs…       my arctic hat
  48. Flags…       signal flags, castle flags and fairy turrets, a knitted doll’s beach bag
  49. Codes…       invisible ink, a knitted doll’s swimsuit
  50. The Magic Beak Fortune Teller…       a fortune teller’s tent, a magic hat with rabbit
  51. The Shipwreck Game…       a board game and game counters
  52. Dolphins…       my swimsuit and swim hat and a plastic canvas container
  53. Storms…       apple snow and a knitted doll’s pyjamas
  54. Human Statistics…       a makeup/pencil case and Cupid heart needle-case
  55. Toy Theatres…       spooky finger puppets and a toy theatre with curtains
  56. Road Safety…       a child’s white hat
  57. Ducks on the Loose…       a doodle stitching picture
  58. A Message in a Bottle…       a hanging star, table crackers, scissors case
  59. How to Embarrass Celery…       my bunny bed socks, a celery salad
  60. Fridge Magnets…       ice cream, my arctic mittens
  61. Feeding the Birds…       embroidered felt caddy and sunflowers
  62. ldioms…       a paper boat and storage basket name plaque
  63. Recycling…       bath salts and a carrier bag holder
  64. Punch and Judy…       a sock puppet and a bracelet
  65. Trees…       an almond roll
  66. Planting Trees…       a fruit fool and a pot luck tree
  67. Beacons…       table place labels
  68. The Cornfield Study…       peppermint creams, a little scarecrow
  69. Sunken Wrecks…       an alpine garden, a blackwork picture
  70. Dandelions…       a plastic canvas tissue holder
  71. How Plants Spread Seeds…       pressed flowers
  72. Dogs That Have Jobs…       a little toy Scottie dog with a lead and blanket
  73. Buckingham Palace…       Apple Charlotte and a knitted doll’s patterned dress
  74. The History of Knights…       a jewellery tray, vegetarian sausage rolls, a family crest
  75. Time…       milkshakes and a knitted doll’s witch’s outfit
  76. Clocks…       a 12″ doll jogging suit, growing living stones
  77. lgloos…       a lace heart and a snowman decoration
  78. Colours…       a spinning colour wheel and a colouring pencils pocket
  79. Kitchen Crops…       a sprouting seeds jar, jam pot tops, my chef’s apron
  80. A Vegetable Patch…       a tomato salad and a knitted carrot
  81. Cooking Vegetables…       my chef’s gloves
  82. Decorating Wellingtons…       cards box, decorated socks, my snowflake jumper & hat
  83. Camping…       beany burgers
  84. The History of the Teddy Bear…       gingerbread and fabric teddies
  85. Blackberrying…       blackberry crumble and my chef’s hat
  86. Finger Puppets…       knitted finger puppet family with house
  87. Yarn Dollies…       a 12″ doll jeans, dolls’ house cushions
  88. Project Get a Rabbit…       a crazy rabbit finger puppet, a pet present stocking
  89. Strange Sea Creatures…       mermaid hair scrunchies and bracelets
  90. The Bermuda Triangle…       magic potions, a secret Bermuda Triangle file
  91. Atlantis…       fish key rings, an air plant garden, a banana trifle
  92. Chasing Rainbows…       a 12″ doll ribbed sweater, a colour experiment
  93. Stinging Nettles…       a satin stitch harvest mouse canvas work box
  94. Making Model Railways…       farm buildings for your model railway
  95. Adding to Your Model Railway…       pine trees for your model railway
  96. Street Trees…       a 12″ doll sweater, fruit trees
  97. The History of Printing…       a 12″ doll pink sweater, a dolls’ house blanket, a stencil
  98. Horse Holiday Homes…       a 12″ doll high-visibility jacket, a toy horse blanket
  99. The History of Patchwork…       a patchwork cushion
  100. Ladybirds…       a farmyard quilt
  101. Nursery Rhymes…       my bullion sheep woolly jumper
  102. Lightning…       a ribbon weaving cushion
  103. Frost Fairs…        a 12″ doll scarf hood, a textured blanket
  104. The Clink…       a homework in-tray
  105. Hedgerows…       mushroom quiches, a 12″ doll sideways scarf, an embroidered box
  106. Cows…       milk shakes, animal mobile telephone cases
  107. Owls…       bobble birds
  108. The History of Dolls’ Houses…       a dolls’ house mat and rug
  109. Strawberries…       a strawberry tiramisu, punnet of strawberries pin cushion
  110. Christmas Trees…       cross stitch hanging decorations, a 12″ doll fairy dress
  111. Easter Eggs…       a 12″ doll sweater, Easter eggs and Easter bunny
  112. Harvest Festival…       a 12” doll tennis dress, ribbon flowers glasses case
  113. Halloween…       pumpkin faces, a 12″ doll warm outfit
  114. Mysteries at Sea…       a 12” doll beach set, a magic trick
  115. Mighty Oaks…       a 12” doll boutique bag, an owl game
  116. The Badgers Project…       shortbread, a 12” doll coat and hat
  117. The Squirrels Project…       a 12” doll hair accessories, basket linings
  118. Hibernation and Migration…       a net wash bag, a plastic canvas photo frame
  119. Lucky Talismans…       a Seminole patchwork cushion cover
  120. Native Trees…       an embroidered snow scene
  121. Changing Seasons…       a 12″ doll skating dress, hyacinth flowers
  122. Waves…       a sun catcher, a beach hut dolls’ house
  123. The History of Jigsaws…       a patchwork doll’s cot quilt
  124. The Romans…       my cable scarf
  125. Driving on the Left…       a 12” doll car coat, my cable jumper
  126. Cat’s Eye Studs…       a 12” doll jacket, a cat blanket
  127. Crops from Trees…       giant dice, apple tart, Russian doll badges
  128. Windmills…       a basketwork scarf, an apron and a cushion out of a tea towel
  129. Cockney Rhyming Slang…       an orange pomander, a 12” doll orange and lemon dress
  130. Whales…       a whale brooch, a 12” doll’s beach sarong dress
  131. Coral Reefs…       a satin stitch fish, an appliqué fish
  132. Sleeping…       a dolls’ house duvet set, a cuddly teddy
  133. Money…       a clown face toy, a sky’s the limit money box
  134. Helping the Environment…       a 12″ doll shopping outfit
  135. Herbs…       a 12” doll chef set, a broad bean salad
  136. Camouflage…       a plastic canvas rainbow-yarn pencil box
  137. Wildlife Corridors…       a city garden, a dolls’ house garden
  138. The History of Beds…       a teddy bear hot water bottle cover, a 12” doll nightdress
  139. Growing Flowers…       a dolls’ house sun bed, a window box
  140. The History of Railways…       a 12” doll knitted dressing gown, a writing paper holder
  141. Volcanoes…       ginger beer, a Bargello knitting needle case
  142. Mushrooming…       duxelles, a mini mushroom farm
  143. Penguins…       my sideways penguin scarf
  144. Ship Figureheads…       a 12” doll mermaid outfit
  145. Sport…       my track suit pyjamas
  146. Baron Munchhausen…       an embroidered book mark
  147. Weird Hotels…       your own vine, a 12” doll fabric dressing gown
  148. Famous Trees…       Chinese spirals, asparagus quiche, a 12” doll hooded jacket
  149. Lesser Known Sights of London…       a 12” doll bags, party crackers
  150. The History of Piers…       a 12” doll beach outfit – shorts and top
  151. Ancient Egyptians…       lucky black cat, a pyramid box
  152. Conifers…       a conifer embroidery and decoration
  153. The History of Toilets…       a bath bomb
  154. Survival Skills…       my sleeping bag, a 12” doll sleeping bag and dress
  155. Deserts…       Eton mess, a cacti garden
  156. Antarctica…       a 12” doll ski suit, my hooded snow jacket
  157. The History of School…       cookies, a felt gingerbread man
  158. The Sun…       a 12” doll swimsuit
  159. Cats…       a felt cat and a cat nip mouse
  160. Guerrilla Gardening…       a hanging basket
  161. Fashion Victims…       a felt butterfly, a 12” doll girl-about-town suit
  162. Dangerous Animals…       a felt teddy, spinach salad, crocodile finger puppet
  163. Meat Eating Plants…       a felt angel fish, wooden spoon puppets
  164. Planting Bulbs…       a 12” doll garden outfit
  165. Castles…       Hardanger embroidery
  166. The History of Television…       a flick book, a 12” doll lounging-at-home tracksuit
  167. Conkers…       12” doll slipper socks, a conker bag, a conker house
  168. Heroes from History…       a code wheel
  169. Garden Features…       a maze game
  170. Composers…       a dancing clown, a 12” doll evening dress collection
  171. Lions…       a 12” doll black trim dress and shawl, a knitted lion
  172. Let There Be Lights…       dolls’ house lamps, family silhouettes
  173. Mediaeval Banquets…       a pudding bauble, chocolate mousse
  174. The Pen is Mightier than the Sword…       a 12” doll office outfit, felt face pen tops
  175. The London Underground…       a dolls’ house garden fountain, a 12″ doll shoulder bag
  176. Moles…       an outside wormery
  177. Climbing Plants…       a pointed petal flower brooch
  178. Geoffrey Chaucer…       a 12” doll weekend away wardrobe
  179. Chanticleer and Pertelote…       12” doll pyjamas, pink scrambled egg
  180. Darts…       a knitted marble bag, a marble game
  181. The History of Clowns…       a jester on a stick, pompoms and knitted buttons
  182. Bamboo…       a little house, a tree in four seasons picture
  183. Joshua Slocum…       a knitted bag, embroidered star topper
  184. The History of Taxis…       a 12” doll evening coat, a pin cushion
  185. Tower Bridge…       a needle case, a dolls’ house clock
  186. Sea Rescue…       a 12” doll cruise dress, Jacobean stump-work embroidery
  187. Dr Johnson…       a 12” doll office outfit, a birds glasses case, a heart bookmark
  188. Seahorses…       embroidered void design, patterned picture in ink
  189. Deep Sea Exploration…       a piñata, a 12” doll shoe box
  190. Alcock and Brown…       a knitted toggle scarf, cut paper bunting
  191. The Dinosaurs of London…       a monster jar nightlights, a dinosaur finger puppet
  192. Henry Vlll…       a 12” doll evening cape, a felt rose brooch
  193. Sand Dunes…       a friendly felt cactus, Eaton Mess
  194. The Golden Hind…       little desk tidy boxes, present plaque decorations
  195. Famous Sea Canals…       knitted hood, lolly recipes
  196. Animals That Fly Birds That Don’t…       3D butterfly pen pot, hanging felt fish and owl
  197. The Palace of Westminster…       my knitted house jumper and brooch
  198. The Cure for Cholera…       house tissue box cover, paper freezes for windows
  199. Waterfowl…       water drops family and cloud home, mini skating boots ornament
  200. Unusual Lighthouses…       knitted button house, 12” doll skating boots
  201. The History of Tea…       a 12” doll summer cruise dress, smoothie recipes
  202. Sandwiches…       triangular mouse, a 12” doll hiking set
  203. Crowded Cliffs…       little felt houses, a rockery garden, gallettes
  204. Leonardo Da Vinci…       open window embroidery, 3D card butterflies
  205. The History of Post Boxes…       a 12” doll wide pants outfit and bag, heart envelopes
  206. Smokey Joes…       a knitted sideways hat
  207. Snowflakes…       leg warmers
  208. Kew Gardens…       a knitted snail
  209. Acers…       felt mistletoe and how to grow real mistletoe
  210. The Severn Bore…       a knitting bag
  211. The Rainforest…       knitting needle point covers
  212. Growing Berries…       raspberry muffins, a red and white outfit for a 12” doll
  213. Manta Rays…       a fishing game, a hat, scarf, bag set for a 12” doll
  214. The Game of Monopoly…       a plastic canvas bits and pieces tray
  215. Shakespeare…       gnome finger puppets and a finger puppet hand theatre
  216. Sheep…       a round knitted basket
  217. Tulip Mania…       a 12” doll ballet outfit
  218. Charles Darwin…       a knitted dog, a 12”doll ballet practice outfit
  219. Peacocks…       a knitted head cowl
  220. Patron Saints…       a happy, lucky frog
  221. Racing Pigeons…       a purple and white dress for a 12” doll
  222. Swan Upping…       how to sew on buttons, a basket-stitch knitted cowl
  223. The Mayflower…       a ball gown for a 12” doll
  224. The History of Shoes…       boots, hat and bag for a 12” doll
  225. Mount Rushmore…       a scissors case
  226. The lnternational Dateline…       bags for a 12” doll
  227. Caravans…       a plastic canvas bag with handles
  228. Where Gas Comes From…       a blue striped dress for a 12” doll
  229. Bicycles…       a catsuit for a 12″ doll 
  230. Cheese…       a yellow knitted hat
  231. Tie Dyeing…       a blue and white dress for a 12” doll
  232. Nuts…       a knitted peanut, a nut cake
  233. Shells…       a knitted scarecrow
  234. Glass…       knitted scarecrow clothes
  235. Sunsets…       a scarecrow hat and little knitted rainbow people
  236. Apples…       dried fruit snacks, chocolate apples and a knitted earphones pouch
  237. Emily’s Plants…       a long cardigan and scarf for a 12” doll
  238. Karaoke…       little knitted water nymphs
  239. The History of Vacuum Cleaners…       a knitted bag, a house work set for a 12” doll
  240. Cut and Come Again Lettuce…       a gift bag
  241. Tartan…       Christmas tree cubes
  242. Domestic Life…       bed socks, little, plastic canvas gingerbread houses
  243. Henry’s Playroom…       a knitted storage box, a red sweater for a 12” doll
  244. Water…       a striped neck cowl
  245. Painting Henry’s Attic…       a little, knitted fir tree
  246. Repurposed Furniture…       a basket-stitch knitted bag
  247. Learning the Times Tables…       a noughts and crosses game
  248. Coffee…       healthy snacks, a knitted red & green hat, slippers & apron for a 12” doll
  249. The Winter Garden…       plant labels, Christmas tree lanterns
  250. Henry’s Herb Garden…       a knitted lavender bag
  251. The Atlantic…       little Santa sacks
  252. The Pacific…       a pointed-bottom sweater for a 12” doll, little present stockings
  253. The South Sea lslands…       knitted heating pad cover, knitted Christmas tree gnomes
  254. The Tower of London…       little knitted Christmas tree snowmen
  255. London Parks…       a little knitted acorn man in a leaf bed
  256. Sid’s Roof Terrace…       green and red striped sweater for a 12″ doll, bead embroidery
  257. Tiny Trees in Pots…       little felt trees
  258. Ninjas…       a plastic canvas shoulder bag for a 12″ doll, a knitted glasses case
  259. Aesops’ Fables…       fingerless gloves
  260. Houdini…       a magic trick, a cute pastel clown
  261. Tradescantia…       a doll in a cot, marled buttons
  262. Charles Dickens…       knitted table skittles
  263. Ballpoint Pens…       a rainbow pen holder, a desk set for a 12” doll
  264. lsambard Kingdom Brunel…       a knitted teddy to take travelling
  265. Freediving…       a starfish family in a cave bag
  266. Fuchsias…       a dolls’ house fruit basket, a cat family 
  267. Shingle Beaches…       a rainbow-coloured box
  268. Finding Dinosaurs…       a dinosaur purse, a fabric painting
  269. Bonsai…       a tunic for a 12” doll, an owl key ring
  270. The Domesday Book…       vegetable soup, a little knitted pig, decorated bookmarks
  271. Heath Robinson…       a plastic canvas robot
  272. The Potato…       a gardening set for a 12” doll
  273. Hurricanes…       a barometer, a canvas work stamp collection box
  274. Florence Nightingale…       a first aid kit box
  275. The History of Knitting…       a little knitted rabbit, fingerless gloves
  276. Luddites…       dressed teddies
  277. Tornadoes…       a tornado in a jar, plastic canvas toy farm pens
  278. Turtles…       a knitted turtle
  279. Beatrix Potter…       lolly stick book marks, a canvas work picture frame
  280. Growing Orchids…       jewellery gift box
  281. Paradolia…       little, knitted mermaid
  282. The Human Machine…       a light switch doll
  283. The History of Jeans…       a knitted patchwork scarf
  284. Lichens…       an underwater scene in a jar
  285. Encouraging Butterflies…       page markers, a little knitted caterpillar
  286. The Arts and Crafts Movement…       a heart bookmark, a knitted phone sock
  287. Art Nouveau…      a beanie with flower decorations
  288. Art Deco…       a chocolate cheesecake, a plastic canvas sewing needle book
  289. Tree ldentification…       a winter sweater for a 12” doll
  290. Elizabeth l…       plastic canvas box with jewellery rolls
  291. Stargazing…       pizza whirls, a knitted alien family
  292. The Beginning of Human Flight…       a pencil pencil case
  293. Hot Air Ballooning…       a plastic canvas pin box
  294. Daffodils…       a knitted goldfish purse
  295. The Earth’s Crust…       a yarn heart wreath
  296. Rain…       a rain gauge, a snowman finger puppet
  297. Avalanches…       a plastic canvas storage box
  298. Politics…       a tiny socks garland
  299. Feeling Sad…       a knitted MP5 cover, a present label box, cookie cutter labels
  300. William Caxton…       bobble book marks
  301. lnsects…       baked bean soup, Santa belt knitted napkin ring
  302. Vitamins…       knitted gingerbread man
  303. The Red Cross…       mountain gnomes
  304. Birds’ Nests…       green hot chocolate, seedling pots, a knitted camera case
  305. Pandas…       a little knitted panda
  306. Frankincense & Myrrh…       a single bead necklace, a striped plastic canvas moneybox
  307. Diamonds…       a dried fruit and nut whirl, a number cubes game
  308. Waterfalls…       a waterfall shawl for a 12” doll
  309. Calendars…       button page markers, a winter ice princess elf
  310. Mary Anning…       lnterlocking shapes pictures, a flower-topped knitted hat
  311. Bird World…       knitted egg cosies
  312. Barbie…       knitted evening dress for a 12”doll
  313. Pink…       a knitted Alice-band
  314. Amazing Bees…       a spring blossom nymph
  315. A Healthy Garden…       a picnic rug and hamper for a 12” doll
  316. Safaris…       a zebra striped sweater and a safari suit for a 12” doll
  317. Geysers…       a knitted cowgirl and a knitted cowboy
  318. Dick Turpin…       an opera cloak for a 12” doll
  319. Woodland…       a patterned green sweater for a 12” doll
  320. The Rock Planets…       cat finger puppets
  321. Milk…       a knitted squares ball, a clown finger puppet
  322. ln the Hive…       a summer flower fairy
  323. Jack Shepherd…       a trolley key ring, a little, knitted monkey
  324. Dr Barnardo…       a superhero finger puppet
  325. Sea farming…       a knitted lavender doll
  326. Jamaica lnn…       a pirate finger puppet, a big box shoulder bag for a 12” doll
  327. The Outer Planets…       knitted cupcakes, a beach outfit for a 12” doll
  328. Press Gangs…       a knitted ball, a sailor doll with hammock and kit bag
  329. Animal Care…       an owl and a pussycat in a boat, a doll’s feeding bottle
  330. Crop Circles…       a pixie and his toadstool hiding place
  331. Jane Austin…       tall buildings book marks, a plastic canvas pin box
  332. Reptiles…       a diamond-patterned snake
  333. Natural Energy…       a summer dress and jacket for a 12” doll
  334. Lady Godiva…       canvas square necklaces
  335. Outer Space…       a ballet shoes bag
  336. The Bronte Sisters…       three little knitted sisters
  337. The History of Paint…       dolls’ house plants
  338. Extinct Animals…       a marble run, a knitted rabbit family with carrots
  339. Samuel Pepys…       a knitted chicken and chicks
  340. Amelia Bloomer…       a knitted football fan
  341. Human Skin…       a knitted football fan’s tracksuit, ball and bag
  342. Palm Trees…       banana pancakes, a little knitted dog
  343. Chip Shops…       an autumn harvest pixie
  344. The History of Washing Clothes…       small knitted scissors case, Christmas tree hats
  345. lFOS UFOS…       a little, round knitted pudding
  346. Betty and Barney Hill…       a little, knitted witch on a broom
  347. Chocolate…       a patterned glasses case
  348. Greek Classics…       a back pack bag for a 12” doll
  349. Frost…      a vertical stripes hat
  350. Childhood…       a little, knitted choir boy
  351. Guy Fawkes…       sage sausage rolls, a seasonal sweater for a 12” doll
  352. Pears…       a little knitted angel
  353. The Community Orchard…       knitted sweets decorations, dolls’ house bins
  354. Wassailing…       leek and cheese omelettes, a caroller’s Santa-hat
  355. The History of the lnternet…       table Santa sacks, a star tree topper
  356. Queen Victoria…       a Victoria sponge, a ring box
  357. Evacuees…       travelling bags for toy cars
  358. Famous Bears…      a snowman wreath
  359. Walking Across the Fields…       a ski sweater for a 12” doll
  360. The Secret of Success…       games counter people
  361. The Recipe for Success…       a notebook cover
  362. The Road to Success…       three little clowns and a ticking stick
  363. The Spoils of Success…       an in-the-black money box with dragon guard
  364. Christopher Columbus…       a travelling jewellery pouch
  365. Working Cats…       a USB bag and a holdall for a 12” doll
  366. The Cottingly Fairies…       knitted hair scrunchies, a book bag and pencil case
  367. Why the Sea is Salty…     a cap-sleeved sweater for a 12” doll, roasted nuts
  368. Salt, Mustard, Vinegar, Pepper…  underwear for a 12” doll, salt dough
  369. Sharks…       a tiny cottage bag
  370. Treading Your Own Path…       a town scene canvas box
  371. Working Together…       elderflower cordial, hospital character dolls
  372. Rolls-Royce…       ribbed knitted hat, stylish cowl
  373. Bats…       a change purse
  374. Burke and Hare…       multi-coloured plastic canvas pencil box
  375. The Grand Tour…       man-size neck cowl
  376. Okinawa…       drawer liner
  377. Ariadne’s Thread…       knitted thread sack
  378. Puritans…       three knitted friends
  379. Up Helly Aa…       party dress for a 12” doll
  380. Frogs and Toads…       baby shoes
  381. Anne Frank…       a candy-stripe doll
  382. Captain Scott…       summer drinks, a dolls’ house terrarium
  383. Fair Trade…       chick egg cosy
  384. Deer…       beds for little dolls
  385. The Suffragettes…       plastic canvas storage box
  386. Elephants…       little knitted elephant
  387. Tumbleweed…       top and dress for a candy-stripe doll
  388. Peat Bogs…       gingerbread man finger puppet
  389. Edward Jenner…       small blanket square
  390. Be True to Yourself…       top and skirt with straps for a 12” doll
  391. X-Rays…       a small pirate crew
  392. Sailors’ Superstitions…       character dolls on the beach
  393. City Hedgerows…       a sleeveless cardigan for a 12” doll
  394. Al Capone…       a toy mouse for a kitten
  395. Roses…       Little Red Riding Hood
  396. Taking the Right Path…       a fairy
  397. Veganism…       a dog finger puppet
  398. Ways to Create Your Life…       character dolls on the beach picnic basket and blanket
  399. John Keats…       tiny storage bag for a pencil case
  400. Positive Thinking…       a bobble hat egg cosy
  401. Shire Horses…       pumpkin soup, dungarees for a 12” doll
  402. Matthew Hopkins…       a little knitted snake
  403. Problem Solving…       a baby jumper
  404. Buddha…       a penguin finger puppet
  405. Positive Practices…      hat, scarf and ankle warmers for a candy-striped doll
  406. The Caledonian Forest…      baby bootees
  407. Huskies…       jewellery bag
  408. Not Giving Up…       paper bauble window decoration
  409. The History of Roads…       party sweater for a 12” doll
  410. Sunshine…       little hats and boot Christmas tree decorations
  411. Journaling…       children’s party punch, bed cushions and throw for a bed for a 12” doll
  412. The Summer Garden…       a boot bag for a 12” doll
  413. Nobel Prizes…       a double-sided beanie
  414. The Human Brain…       a handle bar bag
  415. Bath Time…       pastel-coloured storage bags
  416. Octopuses…       shoulder bag
  417. The Brothers Grimm…       two little brothers
  418. Famous Cats…       two little brothers scarves and snowman
  419. Know Your Onions…       dolly bag for a doll
  420. Rugs…       playing cards storage pouch, 12” doll rug, cushions & living room throw
  421. Tugs…       packing bags for a suitcase
  422. Trugs…       a tiny ring basket
  423. Josiah Wedgewood…       Little Boy Blue
  424. Hermits…       skirt with straps for a candy-stripe doll
  425. The Blackpool Illuminations…       projects with non-standard fashion yarn
  426. Hops…       beach shorts and back pack for a candy-strip doll
  427. Bullying…       school team character dolls
  428. Pluto…       juggling balls
  429. The Hazel…       a scarf for a 12” doll
  430. Cellars and Attics…       a decorated hair scrunchie
  431. Plants for Free…       rose petal tea, key strap bag
  432. Human lntelligence…       baby hat
  433. The Magna Carta…       dolls’ house picture frame
  434. J.R.R. Tolkein…       child’s striped shoulder bag
  435. Amazing Trees…       drawer storage set
  436. The Green Man…      boy’s crayon bag and shoe bag
  437. Swimming…       character children swimming costumes
  438. Sea Mammals…       a beach bag bags
  439. Beyond the Classroom…       a square-based pencil case, character children play clothes
  440. The Peasant’s Revolt…       farm character people
  441. Beech Trees…       little knitted dog
  442. Planting Strawberries…       character children holiday clothes
  443. Riding Schools…       locker key bag
  444. Angels…       nightdress for a candy-stripe doll
  445. The War of the Roses…       a pocket dress for a 12” doll
  446. Naturalizing Spring Bulbs…       a decorated school timetable
  447. Trees of the World…       dolls’ house cushions
  448. Dressed for Success…       sheep finger puppet
  449. The Reformation…       baby hat
  450. Self Confidence…      a funny face key fob
  451. Olive Groves…       small bags for a 12” doll
  452. River Mammals…       rainbow glasses case
  453. The Commonwealth…       snow boots for a 12” doll
  454. Downing Street…       advent stockings
  455. Yews…       bauble with bell
  456. Solitary Bees…       Christmas decorative cushions
  457. Ancient Medicines…       salon gown for a 12” doll
  458. Alfred the Great…       apple cake, an emergency handbag kit
  459. Llamas and Alpacas…       a mini bag, a pin cushion
  460. The History of Shopping…       present labels
  461. Windsor Castle…       character children party clothes
  462. The Holly and the lvy…       present labels, a little cone person
  463. The Subconscious…       Christmas party bags
  464. Madame Tussauds…       candy-stripe doll trimmed winter boots
  465. Stunt Performers…       lnuit twins
  466. Mangrove Swamps…       a pot scrubber
  467. Blood…       mouse finger puppet
  468. Flower Shows…       a business suit for a 12” doll
  469. Corvids…       a games pieces storage bag, a little penguin
  470. Archaeology…       a treasure storage bag
  471. Trees Fighting Pollution…       a ribbed hat and cowl
  472. Battersea Power Station…       builder character dolls
  473. Relax…       a bead-decorated scarf for a 12” doll
  474. Richard and John…       a little wizard
  475. Mudskippers…       a cute octopus
  476. Bramley’s Seedlings…       a rainbow yarn storage bag
  477. Hawaii…       spa character dolls
  478. Mass Media…      a scissors case
  479. Growing Winter Squash…       a button-decorated pin cushion
  480. Adam Smith…       a shopping bag for a 12” doll, a little knitted sheep
  481. Commons…       Goldilocks and the Three Bears
  482. Plastic Bottles…       a bathroom accessory set for a 12” doll
  483. Saving Money…       a coin bag
  484. Cave Dwellers…       a present lavender bag
  485. The Fox Family…       a lorry driver and his builder friends
  486. Packing Suitcases…       a summer dress for a 12” doll
  487. Judge Jeffreys…       a shark finger puppet
  488. Flower Crops…       a flared jacket for a 12” doll
  489. Astrology…       a crystal storage box
  490. Balcony Gardening…       a window box for a 12” doll
  491. Film Extras…       monster friends
  492. St John Ambulance…       a red belted jacket for a 12” doll
  493. Summer Projects…       a little explorer
  494. The Yoga Class…       exercise clothes for a 12” doll
  495. Avocados…       a handbag pencil case
  496. Pep Talk…       a football mascot
  497. Victoria’s Children…       a weekend away capsule wardrobe for a 12” doll
  498. The Kings of the 20th Century…       accessory bags for a 12” doll
  499. Having Faith in Yourself…       an exercise chart
  500. Kindness…       a patterned hat
  501. Equinoxes…       reading glasses pouch, forestry worker character people
  502. Preserving Food…       piccalilli recipe, a lavender clown
  503. Prospering…       accessory bags for a 12” doll
  504. Radar…       a present stocking
  505. The 100 Years’ War…       a present stocking for a 12” doll
  506. Wolves…       a spider web cake, a snowflake pattern bauble
  507. Shrubs in Tubs…       a dolls’ house door wreath and flower tub
  508. Emily’s Cupboard…      a dolls’ house Christmas tree
  509. Gardens of the Future…       a dolls’ house Christmas garland and present stockings
  510. Runes…       a striped storage bag and a rune storage bag
  511. Building Self-esteem…       penguin present labels
  512. The Willow Den…       Christmas tree bell loops
  513. Making Candles…       Santa sacks, present plaques
  514. The Royal Christmas…       a little Santa
  515. Learning New Things…       a striped phone cover, a cocktail, a dolls’ house duvet and pillow set
  516. Nutrition…       a pretty hat
  517. Paper…       a planner and page markers
  518. Pandemics…       a patterned sweater for a 12” doll
  519. The Black Death…       a tower block pencil case
  520. Sleep Time…       a tooth fairy bag
  521. Gliders…       teddy egg cosies
  522. Egg Hunters…       a little mountaineer
  523. Diatoms…       an entrance hall set for a 12” doll
  524. Grace Kelly…       a smock dress for a 12” doll
  525. Plant Hunters…       character dolls – chef and waiters
  526. African Plants…       a car rug for a 12” doll
  527. The Forest Floor…       accessories for the three bears and a cottage
  528. The History of Hats…       a numbered die – 1-12
  529. Diana, Princess of Wales…       a patterned doll blanket
  530. Dragonflies…       a plastic canvas bookmark


Pictures of all the

Salty Sam’s Fun Blog for Children Crafts

are on Pinterest:


This may contain: three crocheted dolls are standing next to each other

See the bottom of this post for equipment needed

for all the yarn projects…













  • The largest creature in the sea is the blue whale. ln fact, it is the largest animal in the world at 30m or 85 feet long. A newborn blue whale calf is 7m or 23 feet long.
  • Whales, dolphins, seals and walruses are animals that have to come to the surface of the ocean to breathe air (some of these animals can hold their breath for more than an hour) but fish don’t – they get oxygen from the water they live in.
  • There are more African elephants in the world than grey seals – grey seals are an endangered species.
  • A dolphin is a kind of whale.
  • A killer whale is the same shape as a dolphin.
  • Whales have lifelong friends that they often visit.
  • Giant squids can grow over 13m or 43 feet long which is about as long as a bus.
  • A vampire squid has arms that look like a cape and has the ability to hypnotize its prey.
  • Octopuses are related to the snails in your garden.
  • lt is seahorse fathers that look after their young. They keep their babies in a pouch on their stomach until they are ready to hatch.
  • Pearls are formed when a piece of grit gets into an oyster’s shell. The oyster coats the grit with layers of shell. The inside coating of the shell is called ‘mother of pearl’.
  • The hermit crab does not produce its own shell but lives in discarded shells that it finds. lt moves into a bigger shell each time it outgrows the one it is living in.
  • A nautilus adds larger chambers (thirty or more in a lifetime) to its shell as it grows and then moves into them.
  • A Portuguese man o’war jellyfish’s sting is as poisonous as a cobra’s venom.
  • Jellyfish are 95% water.
  • The fastest fish is the sailfish at 112kph or 70mph.
  • Flying fish have wide fins on their sides and can fly over 400m or 1,300 feet over the water at speeds of 70kph or 43mph.
  • The largest shark is the whale shark at 15-18m or 50-60 feet long and is harmless to humans because it only eats plankton.
  • Plankton are the smallest creatures in the sea.


A vampire squid 



Pearls forming in mother of pearl inside an oyster shell



A hermit crab



A nautilus



A Portuguese man o’war



A flying fish






This model of a whale shark and a diver gives you an idea of how large whale sharks are





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lt’s the Weekend!






If you want to make this jumper which fits the cuddly toy on my website, of course you can use any colours you like to make the stripes. It is a very good way of using up yarn left over from making other jumpers.

As long as you can knit plain and purl stitches, this jumper and hat is very easy to make.

You can find the pattern to make the Salty Sam toy at



This is a picture of me in my beach chair 


Whenever you are crafting, it is always really nice if an adult can help you and teach you how to do things properly. If things go wrong, don’t get upset or want to give up – it is all part of learning. The projects on this blog are quite simple and when you master basic techniques you will be able to move on to more difficult projects later.

Whenever you want to do a project, read through the instructions for everything properly before you start.


Port and Starboard



The left side of a ship is called the port side and the right side is called the starboard side.

The colour for port is red and the colour for starboard is green.

Port is also the name for a kind of strong, red wine so remembering this sentence might help you to remember this information:-

There is some red port left in the bottle.



Using 3½mm knitting needles and white dk yarn cast on 50 stitches

K3 (p2, k2) repeat these last 4 stitches until last 3 sts, p3

Repeat this last row 7 times (8 rows of ribbing)


Change to 4mm knitting needles

Using red dk yarn knit two rows (garter stitch)


Change back to the white yarn

Knit one row

Purl one row

Knit one row

Purl one row

Knit one row

Purl one row

(This gives you 6 rows of stocking stitch)


Using green dk yarn knit two rows (garter stitch)


Change back to the white yarn, knit 6 rows of stocking stitch as before


Repeat the last 16 rows twice (48 rows from the top of the ribbing)


Cast off 11 sts and knit to the end of the row (37 sts)

Cast off 11 sts and purl to the end of the row (26 sts)


Change to 3½mm knitting needles

K3 (p2, k2) repeat last 4 sts 4 times p3, k3

P3 (k2, p2) repeat last 4 sts 4 times k2, p3

Repeat these last 2 rows 3 times (8 rows of ribbing)

Cast off loosely rib-wise (that means do ribbing as you cast off)



Using 3½mm knitting needles and white dk yarn cast on 40 sts

K3 (p2, k2) repeat last 4 sts until last 3 sts, k3

P3 (k2, p2) repeat last 4 sts until last 3 sts, p3

Repeat these last two rows 3 times (8 rows of ribbing)


Change to 4mm knitting needles


Using red dk yarn knit 2 rows (garter stitch)


Using white dk yarn stocking stitch 6 rows, starting with a knit row


Using green dk yarn knit 2 rows (garter stitch)


Using white dk yarn stocking stitch 6 rows, starting with a knit row


Repeat these last 16 rows once

Cast off loosely in the next knit row



With right sides facing, continue as follows:-

Using the white yarn, sew up the right shoulder seam, and then the left shoulder seam only 1cm/½ inch up from the shoulder side (not the neck side).

Then fold the sleeves in half lengthways in order to find the centres. Match these centres up to the shoulder seams and sew across the top of each sleeve. Then sew the under sleeve and side seams.

Using sewing thread, sew a snap fastener to the outside corners of the collar – this will then turn over to hide the snap fastener.





Using 3½mm knitting needles and red dk yarn cast on 40 stitches

K3 (p2, k2) repeat these last 4 sts until last 3 sts, k3

P3 (k2, p2) repeat these last 4 sts until last 3 sts, p3

Repeat these last 2 rows 3 times more

(8 rows of ribbing in red)


Change to 4mm knitting needles and white dk yarn

Stocking stitch 8 rows


Continuing to use stocking stitch decrease 1 stitch at the beginning of the next 16 rows (24 sts)

Decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next 8 rows (8 sts)

Cut off yarn leaving a length of about 20cm/8 inches to use to sew on the pompom



To make the pompom, cut two circles of card about 7cm/2¾ inches in diameter with a 2½cm/1 inch hole in the centre of each (you can draw around a 10 pence coin).

Then wind lengths of the green yarn around the two pieces of card through the middle hole to the outer edge until a pad is formed around the whole ring (tying in the ends of new lengths securely as you go).

Cut through the yarn by slipping the point of your scissors between the card pieces. Then tie a long piece of green yarn around the core of the pompom between the pieces of card. Pull it very tight as you knot it. Do this several times going backwards and forwards around the core.

If you make the pad of yarn too thick or you don’t tie the centre together tightly enough, your pompom will fall apart. If your hands are not strong enough, then you might be able to find a grown-up to help you with this bit.

Leave two lengths of green yarn to help you sew the pompom to the top of my hat.

THEN it is time to pull the pieces of card away from the yarn.



With wrong sides together, over-sew the ribbing using red yarn, then turn the hat inside out and using back stitch or running stitch and white yarn sew around the edges of the top of the hat.

Make sure that you attach the pompom to the outside of the hat.

Fix the pompom on by tying the pompom to the hat and the hat to the pompom. You will need a knitter’s needle (yarn needle) to help you.

Then you might need to trim a few bits of yarn to neaten the pompom.


And that’s it! Happy knitting!



This is a picture of me wearing my new jumper and matching hat.


l’ll speak to you soon.


Salty Sam


Please note that the material on this blog is for personal use or for use in classrooms only.

It is a copyright infringement and, therefore, illegal under international law to sell items made with these patterns.

Use of all of the toys and projects on the blog is at your own risk.

©Christina Sinclair Designs 2015image083



A Couple of little Crafty Tips from Auntie Alice

  • Knit through the back of the stitch when you decrease on a knit row and knit through the front of the stitch when you decrease on a purl row.
  • To sew your knitted pieces together, use back stitch or running stitch on stocking stitch and over-sewing on ribbing. If the ribbing will be turned back (like on the cuffs and hat rim on this pattern), then you can sew these pieces wrong side together – but this is not really important if you find it too fiddly to do.


image087                                    My Auntie Alice


For all the yarn projects on this blog

you will only need:-


4mm knitting needles = UK size 8 and US size 6 for dk yarn

3½mm knitting needles = UK size between 9 and 10 and US size 4

(or 3¾mm knitting needles = size 9 UK / size 5 US for dk ribbing)

(or 3¼mm knitting needles for 4ply)

A 3.50mm crochet hook

A yarn needle with a large eye for sewing pieces of knitting together


You use 4mm needles for knitting double knit yarn

and 3½mm or 3¾mm needles for knitting the ribbing on a garment made in double knitting.

You can use 3¼mm or 3½mm for 4 ply yarn.

For the projects on this blog you can use 3½mm or 3¾mm needles for the ribbing on garments – it really won’t make much difference so don’t worry too much about this.


This may contain: three small knitted rabbits standing next to each other on a white surface with their hands in the air



  • Auntie Alice says:

    Hello Sam. Are you coming round for your tea on Sunday?

    Auntie Alice

    • Salty Sam says:

      This is my new blog Auntie Alice! You’re not supposed to be sending me messages on it.
      Have you got any crumpets?
      Salty Sam

  • Auntie Alice says:

    Crumpets and honey!
    Auntie Alice

  • Salty Sam says:

    l’ll be there!
    Salty Sam

  • I really liked your blog post.Much thanks again. Keep writing.

  • Salty Sam says:

    Thank you very much! l am so glad that you like my blog.
    Don’t worry, there are many more posts to come.
    l’ll be back with another post on Friday.
    See you then. 🙂

  • crorkz says:

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  • Ralph USA says:

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  • Panda says:

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  • ninja says:

    I love your blog I am going to read it every week.

  • Jamie says:

    Hello Salty Sam and Barney – just wanted to say I love your blog.

  • Ben says:

    Hello there Salty Sam your blog is great!

  • allycatz says:

    Hello Salty Sam I love your website!

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    Good day! I could have sworn I’ve been to this site before but after browsing through some of the post I realized it’s new to me. Nonetheless, I’m definitely delighted I found it and I’ll be book-marking and checking back frequently!

    • Salty Sam says:

      Thanks Pete! Good day to you. 🙂
      Please tell all your friends about Salty Sam too- and l’ll see you again next Friday.

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  • Douglas says:

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  • Res says:

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      Firstly, thank you for writing in Carolyn and l am glad that you like my blog.
      The first rule of writing is ‘ write about what you know’ and of course l just write about my life here in Rocky Bay and things that l have learnt about in my travels around the World.
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